Showing 3 Result(s)

Game Pattern Project (GLFW, GLAD, OpenGL)

Github : FINAL EXAM WORKs in release X64 TWO folders with and without pattern implementation WIthPatternFiles -> consist of game manager which helps to render the enemy ships and movement also takes place(if had some more time would have added all the models) WIthoutPatternFiles -> consist of all the elements (player, enemy, shield, ufo, …

Tic-Tac-Toe Project (GLFW, GLAD, OpenGL)

(Physics-Networking-Graphics) Github Link: FINAL PROJECT – PHYSICS Execute in Release X64 mode Gameplay: The game is about TIC TAC TOE A player wins by X O placements Mouse and left-click to pan and SPACE shoot the X and O Tab to show the constraints given for X in 0,0 location Controls: MOUSE – Pan …